a modern Samsung smart phone sitting top of a notebook. There is an image on the phone’s screen that looks like a vintage cassette tape, with a label reading: Mix Tape

above: photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

It’s that time again! I’m bringing back something from my old, regular blogging days of the mid-aughts: the Friday Random Ten. I don’t remember who started this tradition, but a bunch of us Philly bloggers would bring this around every Friday. The basic rules are:

  1. fire up your digital music player
  2. go to “all songs“ and shuffle play everything
  3. note the first 10 songs to show up, without skipping anything
  4. create your playlist

Today’s Friday Random Ten, brought to you by me getting close to my goal of 100 new-to-me horror movies by Halloween way too quickly.

  1. “One Week” — Barenaked Ladies, Stunt
  2. “Tragic Mirror” — Sondre Lerche, Daytrotter Session: Jun 27, 2007
  3. “Kryptonite” — Three Doors Down, Y100 Sonic Sessions, Vol. 4
  4. “Chasing Sirens” — Orgy, Vapor Transmission
  5. “Medicine” — Luke Temple, Daytrotter Session: Aug 27, 2007
  6. “No Gato” — About, Daytrotter Session: Mar 5, 2007
  7. “Not Even Jail” — Interpol, Antics
  8. “Red Queen” — Dr. Awkward, Unlimited
  9. “Mundane” — Marc with a C, Human Slushy
  10. “Mr. Jones” — Counting Crows, August and Everything After

Artists I’ve seen live: Barenaked Ladies, Dr. Awkward, Marc with a C

Favorite track on the list: “Mr. Jones”, because it is an album that came out when I was close to that magical age of 14 when our musical selves are starting to cement.

Least favorite track on the list: I am not in an Orgy mood today.

Oh come one: not only three songs from Daytrotter Sessions, but two of them are back to back. Was I really once that into Daytrotter Sessions that I have that many of them on my player?